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Property Portfolio Review Service | PayStream

From understanding what is an eligible expense through to the new rules around tax relief for finance and mortgage costs, navigating the rules around property taxation matters can be difficult.

There are lots of tax efficiencies and cost savings available to landlords, that most people aren’t even aware of. For example you may even find that running a property portfolio via a limited company is a more cost effective option.

Our services will ensure the following….

That you are claiming tax relief on all eligible expenses, including those which are usually overlooked e.g. gardening, cleaning, bank charges and travel costs.

Any large costs you have incurred for say, replacing a kitchen, are properly treated for tax purposes.

That you are fully aware of the new rules around tax relief for finance and mortgage costs, which can influence when you choose to pay off your mortgage.

The service includes:

  • A review of your last statement of income and expenditure providing you with some suggestions as to what allowable expenses you may have overlooked.

  • An evaluation of any capital expenditure you may have incurred over the last 4 tax years to ensure that it has been properly treated for tax purposes.

  • Advice on the implications of the mortgage interest restrictions as they affect you now and going forwards.

  • An explanation of the tax opportunities and potential pitfalls for landlords looking to acquire new properties or dispose of existing ones.

  • Free 12 months subscription to PayStream’s Tax Advice Service which provides free online responses to tax queries, our monthly Top Tax Tips and our quarterly Tax Times.

  • A 10% discount on our bespoke Property Report carried out for landlords considering using a limited company to operate their Property Business.

Get in touch

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to one of our experts on how our Property Portfolio Review Service could help you, get in touch.

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