"Is there a way to avoid IR35" is a popular question that contractors often ask. Particularly with the implementation of the rules for off-payroll working in the private sector which came into force on 6th April 2021. There has been a scramble to find ways in which limited company contractors can arrange their affairs so that they appear to be working outside IR35.
The upfront answer to the original question is... you can’t avoid IR35. It’s the details and circumstances of your assignment and the way in which you work that will determine whether or not you are ‘inside IR35’ or ‘outside IR35’.
So, if you’re looking for help on how to avoid IR35, our advice would be to stop looking. As of April 2021, the decision as to whether you are likely to be working inside or outside IR35 will generally rest with your end client (if they're a medium or large sized business). Your client should make that decision based on the facts of your current or prospective engagement.
However, there are certain things you can do to ensure that your client takes into account all the factors, on which a status decision is taken. Bear in mind that if you act, behave and are treated as an employee then in HMRC’s eyes you should pay tax and National Insurance Contributions as an employee!