April 2013 - Office Holders
On 6th April 2013, IR35 was extended to 'office-holders'. Where a contractor fulfils the duties of an office, the income from those services is subject to PAYE/NICs as employment income. Simply put, a contractor will not be able to operate outside IR35 when acting as an office-holder of the client.
April 2017 - Public sector off-payroll working
In April 2017, a new chapter of IR35 was introduced that affected contractors working in the public sector. Public sector clients are responsible for determining whether IR35 applies and where a contractor works within the scope of IR35, the public authority, agency or third party paying the limited company ("fee payer") is responsible for deducting tax and NICs from those payments. It must also pay employer’s NICs and the Apprenticeship Levy.
April 2021 - Private sector off-payroll working
In April 2021, the off-payroll working rules that were introduced into the public sector in April 2017 were extended to the private sector. This meant that the responsibility for determining a contractor's IR35 status moved from the contractor to the end client (where the end client is a medium or large sized company). The person paying the limited company (the fee-payer) is responsible for deducting the necessary tax, if IR35 applies. There were some other changes to the legislation, with the main ones being:
1. The ability for HMRC to pass liability up and down the supply chain to make sure that HMRC gets the tax owed.
2. The end client's obligation to provide the contractor with explanatory information regarding how an SDS was reached.