Points to bear in mind
SDC over where the work is done, what is to be done and when it is to be done does not necessarily mean you will be caught by the legislation; what is important is whether there is SDC over HOW the work is done. Click here for the latest HMRC guidance on the meaning of SDC and how to form a view if the SDC test is met. As you will see, the ‘SDC’ test is a very difficult test to pass. Given the wide scope of what could be considered to be ‘SDC’, the vast majority of contractors will be considered by HMRC to be under some element of supervision, direction or control to some extent and it will be rare to be able to state categorically that there is no element of SDC at all within the contractual chain. For an umbrella company to process regular expenses in relation to a main site therefore is a risk, not only to the umbrella and other parties in the supply chain, but also to you as the contractor, who may find that later down the line HMRC do not agree that such expenses were ever allowable.
To ensure that we remain compliant and safeguard you from any potential liabilities down the line, PayStream work with the following two umbrella company models:
Employment model
This model provides the benefits of continuous employment, access to statutory benefits, comprehensive insurance cover, advances and more! Although travel and subsistence expenses are not permitted to a main place of work, other allowable expenses (such as claims in relation to adhoc journies to and from a temporary workplace) may be claimed via PayStream or through a P87.
Mobile model
This model is suitable if you visit multiple temporary workplaces during the course of an assignment. Mileage can be relieved in relation to adhoc journies between temporary workplaces in line with HMRC approved mileage rates. This is because special rules apply to workers whose job it is to move regularly from place to place. Workers that may fall into this category include:
Social workers that visit patients’ homes as part of their job
Rail workers who move around the tracks under their own steam
Gas fitters, meter installers who use their own vehicle to move from site to site
Drivers who are required to pick up vehicles from different depots
These workers may still be able to claim their inter-site travel costs even if they are subject to SDC. This is because part of their job requires moving from place to place rather than simply travelling on a regular basis to one or two workplaces to do their job.
If you believe you are a mobile worker, then please let us know. Our questionnaire can help determine whether you are eligible to claim expenses in relation to your inter-site travel.
Under the Mobile model, other allowable expenses captured on our mobile app or in our portal can also be claimed either via PayStream where reimbursed, via a P87 (under £2,500) or by completing a Self-Assessment return.
How will SDC be determined by HMRC?
To determine if SDC applies, HMRC will look at:
documentary evidence including the terms of engagement i.e. what has contractually been agreed;
the way the work has been or is actually done, which will include gathering facts from enquiries with any person involved in the arrangements, including the worker, client and agency.