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Umbrella Company FAQs | PayStream

Our umbrella company, My Max, is the award winning umbrella company that covers it all, this makes it the simplest way to get paid for most contractors. My Max takes care of all of your Pay As You Earn and National Insurance contributions leaving you to get on with what you do best. How an umbrella company works really is simple so we’ve answered some of your most frequently asked questions below.

General Queries

What is an umbrella company?

As an umbrella company, PayStream employs contractors typically working on a number of fixed term assignments (which are often sourced by a recruitment business) under an overarching contract of employment.  As an employer, we are responsible for calculating and paying PAYE (Pay as You Earn) and National Insurance on behalf of our umbrella employees. 

How long does it take to join PayStream, and are there any set up costs?

There are no set up charges to join PayStream’s employment. It’s so easy to join us; you can sign up in just ten minutes! You will simply be asked to confirm your personal details, agree to your employment contract and provide your identity and right to work documents. You can join by talking with one of our experienced advisers on 0161 929 6000 (option 1) who will go through what you need to do over the phone.

If I'm in the middle of a contract can I still join PayStream?

If you call our New Business team on 0161 929 6000 (option 1) we will be happy to discuss this with you in more detail. Or if you would like us to call you please complete the form below.

What is the Umbrella margin?

The umbrella margin is the amount an umbrella retains each week month from the funds it receives from an agency or client. This is usually agreed in advance with the agency or client.

When a contractor speaks to an umbrella company for the first time the umbrella company should disclose its agreed margin to the contractor and include the margin in an illustration given to the contractor.

When an umbrella company contracts with and receives funds from an agency or client the funds are used:

  • Firstly to cover its margin

  • Secondly to cover employer taxes being Employer’s NI and Apprenticeship levy

  • Thirdly to cover a contractor’s pay and holiday pay

There is no separate fee to the agency/client or the contractor. The margin received by the umbrella company is used to cover its own costs, including staffing costs, IT costs, processing fees, property overheads and bank charges, providing contractor insurances and also to pay for other costs such as SSP and SMP.

Statutory and other benefits

Will I be entitled to sick pay?

Yes. You need to contact us straight away to let us know if you are sick and unable to attend work. You can self-certify for the first 7 days (you can fill in the self-certification form HERE), thereafter we need to see a doctor’s certificate. Once we have received these we can check against the Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) qualifying conditions and whether you qualify for SSP. If you qualify for SSP then we will make the necessary payments to you each Friday.

Will I be entitled to maternity, adoption or paternity leave?

Please contact us straight away to advise of any expected leave so we can give you the correct advice. To claim Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP), you need to notify us at least 15 weeks before your due date and we need your completed MAT B1 Maternity Certificate and a letter notifying us of your personal dates. For Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP), you need to contact us 15 weeks before the baby is due and provide an SC3 form. For adoption pay you need to notify us 28 days before you wish to be paid or if less than 28 days’ notice is given, then as soon as the child is placed. You will also need to provide a SC6 form. For shared parental pay, you need to give us at least 8 weeks’ notice.

Once we receive the relevant form from you our payroll department will look into the claim and see whether you are eligible. 

Am I insured?

Yes, as an employee of PayStream My Max Limited, you are automatically covered by our insurance. These include:

  • Employers Liability – up to £10,000,000

  • Public/Products Liability - up to £10,000,000

  • Professional Indemnity – up to £10,000,000**

A copy of your relevant insurance certificate is available in the 'Help' section of the portal.

** A cap below £10m applies in certain specialist sectors / professions. Please contact us if you require further clarification.

Do you pay holiday pay?

Yes, you can choose for your holiday pay to either be advanced (rolled up) to you or accrued. The dates of your holiday year, your holiday entitlement and details as to how holiday pay is calculated is outlined within your employment contract, which is available to you at all times on the online portal and phone app. Note, bank holidays are included in your annual holiday allowance. Please also see our Holiday Pay FAQs for further information, which can be provided on request.  

Do umbrella companies pay pensions?

Umbrella companies don’t manage their own pension schemes but do auto-enrol its employees into a workplace pension run by an authorised pension provider. However, there is an opt-out available.

An umbrella company like PayStream’s MyMax is able to provide a tax efficient salary sacrifice arrangement which enables contributions to be made to a pension provider of the worker’s choice.

Getting Paid

Can I be paid weekly or monthly?

Our payment terms reflect those of your Agency. We will pay you depending on the agency payment terms in place, normally weekly or monthly.

How will I be paid?

You will be paid into your nominated bank account based on a payment timing and frequency agreed with your agency.

How do I know that I have been paid?

Each time we make a payment to you, you will receive a payslip and a text message to inform you of the amount that is clearing in your bank. You will also be able to download additional copies of your payslip via the online portal after 6pm on your payment date.

Employment Status

Will I have to worry about IR35?

No, as our employee you pay employed levels of tax and national insurance so IR35 is not applicable. Contractors who operate through their own limited company and withdraw funds as a dividend need to consider their IR35 status. If at any point you decide to look into operating through your own limited company, we can review your IR35 status to see if this would be a suitable option for you. For more information on this service please email our Contract Services team.

Am I employed or self employed?

You are our employee. On joining you sign an employment contract and you are entitled to all the standard rights of an employee. We also take care of your insurance and pay all the necessary tax and NI contributions to HMRC on your behalf

Who employs me, you or the agency?

You are employed by PayStream. You do not have any direct contractual agreement with your agency.

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