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International Payroll | PayStream

When looking to expand business overseas, it’s easy to see why some recruitment agencies may be put off. From complex tax laws to maintaining the correct benefits, international working environments can be riddled with obstacles. But with PayStream’s International Payroll, they needn’t worry about any of that.

Our International Payroll service ensures candidates are paid on time, every time - without the cost, investment and hassle of setting up a new entity abroad.

We’re already set up

We already have a presence in both the ROI and America. It means we’re familiar with local employment legislation, contractual requirements, tax law and the pre-employment checks needed to ensure the smooth running of business.

What’s more, our network of local lawyers and accountants are on hand to ensure that all employment needs are taken care of and payroll is always processed in a compliant and efficient way. And that covers both State and Federal law in the US, too.

We keep things simple

By providing an in country payroll service, we employ candidates on your behalf and take responsibility for paying both employment and worker taxes, leaving you and your clients to focus on pursuing your growing ambitions.

And because candidate support and retention is paramount, we’ve done everything we can to make their experience as effortless as possible - from seamless onboarding with our market leading onboarding and screening software to providing accurate payroll and excellent customer support.

What you can expect

Payroll in the Republic of Ireland (ROI)

Employers operating in the ROI need to know how much Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI), Tax and Universal Social Charges (USC) need to be paid, as well as where and when these need to be paid to.

However with our International Service you can rest easy, as we’ll take care of all of those calculations and deductions for you.

On top of this, we’ll provide your candidates with access to:

  • statutory benefits (mandatory benefit)

  • a personal retirement savings account (mandatory benefit)

  • rewards package (included only with PayStream)

ROI flag

Payroll in the United States of America (USA)

Unlike the UK where there is one set of employment and tax laws, America have both federal (government) taxes and state taxes. And as each state has different tax and labour laws, it’s like operating in 50 different countries. However our International Payroll service provides your candidates with an Employer of Record (EOR) so you don’t need to worry about any of that.

We’re responsible for paying both employment taxes and workers taxes on their behalf as well as dealing with any employment issues. We’ll also carry out any pre-employment screening / employment checks for each placement if needed.

In addition to this, we’ll also provide your candidates with access to:

  • workers comp insurance specific to each sector (mandatory benefit)

  • facilitate 401k pension (expected benefit)

  • private medical insurance (mandatory benefit)

  • vision cover (extra cost to employee)

  • dental cover (extra cost to employee)

  • life insurance (contributed by PayStream)

USA flag

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