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Umbrella Company | PAYE Umbrella | PayStream

Why work with an umbrella company?

We take care of your tax

Enjoy the peace of mind that your Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax and National Insurance (NI) contributions will always be paid accurately and on time to HMRC. 

Full employment rights

Including access to statutory entitlements such as sickness and paternity/maternity pay.

A continuous employment record

Helping you with loan and mortgage applications.

Save for the future

With access to a workplace pension plan.

Why choose PayStream's Umbrella?

My Max Exec: A Quick Overview

My Max Exec has been designed to give you all the benefits of our award winning umbrella, but with a whole host of additional perks. This is ideal for contractors typically earning more than £1,000 a week. It provides full access to My Max but with additional support and benefits which cater for even the most complex financial affairs.

My Max Exec: A Quick Overview

Umbrella calculator

Your Umbrella rate is..

Your Expenses are..


Your take home pay is...

0 Per week 0 Per month

Results show potential earnings, based on a 40-hour working week, a 1257L tax code and are dependent on individual circumstances. Please contact our New Business team for your personalised calculation. A full breakdown of assumptions can be found here.

Save every day with PayStream rewards

Pick up a huge range of discounts and cashback offers from over 7,000 retailers, exclusively for our umbrella employees.

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